Rouhani on peace process: Whatever the Palestinians accept, Iran will accept

Iranian president is also asked to clarify his stance on the Holocaust, repeats condemnation of Nazi crimes against Jews, Christians and Muslims alike; adds that price for Nazi crimes should not be paid by others.

Whatever peace agreement that Palestinian people accept, Iran will accept as well, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Thursday in New York.

Asked about the peace process at a forum sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Asia Society, Rouhani stressed that “the decision makers about Palestine are the people of Palestine,” according to an interpreter.

When asked to clarify his stance on his views on the Holocaust, Rouhani provided a similar answer to the one he gave CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, thetranslation of which was contested in Tehran.

“We condemn the crimes [done] by [the] Nazis in World War Two and regrettably these crimes were committed against many groups, many people were killed – including a group of Jewish people,” he said.


The Jerusalem Post has the full article

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