April bloodiest month in Iraq since 2008: U.N.

Residents carry the coffin of a victim, who was killed in a bomb attack, during a funeral in Najaf, 160 km (100 miles) south of Baghdad, April 27, 2013. REUTERS/Haider AlaPhoto Credit: Reuters/Haider Ala

(Reuters) – April was Iraq’s bloodiest month for almost five years, with 712 people killed in bomb attacks and other violence, the United Nations Iraqmission said on Thursday.

Iraq has grown more volatile as the civil war in neighboring Syria strains fragile relations between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims. Tensions are at their highest since U.S. troops pulled out in December 2011.

The number of attacks increased sharply after security forces raided a Sunni protest camp near Kirkuk last week, triggering clashes that quickly spread to other Sunni areas including the western province of Anbar, which borders Syria and Jordan.

“The month of April was the deadliest since June 2008. A total of 712 people were killed and another 1,633 were wounded in acts of terrorism and acts of violence,” a U.N. statement read.

The number of civilians killed last month was 434 while the toll of security forces personnel was 288.


Reuters has the full article

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