Clinton heads to Middle East for Gaza crisis talks A fresh round of diplomatic activity is underway to halt the Gaza conflict.

The US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is on her way from an Asian summit in Cambodia’s capital to meet Israeli and Palestinian leaders for urgent talks.

The UN Secretary General is already in Cairo where he’s called for an immediate truce: “I am here to appeal personally for an end to the violence, and to offer my help in ongoing efforts to achieve ceasefire,” said Ban Ki Moon.

With Israel steadily building up its forces on the Gazan border for a possible ground invasion, Russia has tabled a draft resolution at the UN Security Council calling for an end to the violence.

But its UN ambassador blamed another major world power for blocking any progress.

“Some members, one member of the Security Council, I’m sure your can guess which, indicated that they will not be prepared to go along with any reaction of the Security Council, somehow allegedly that could hurt the current efforts carried out by Egypt,” said Vitaly Churkin.

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