Weak Jobs Report Follows Obama Speech, QE3 Coming?

Anemic. Sluggish.  Flat.  Any way you slice it, the latest jobless numbers don’t bode well for the U.S. economy.  The economy added just 96,000 jobs in August, and while that was enough to lower the unemployment rate to 8.1 percent, most everyone takes the improvement as anything but.  Here’s Bloomberg.

“Again, Betty, this number, 96000, that headline number, lower than people had expected.”

And while 8.1 percent unemployment is an improvement…

“The unemployment rate dropping to 8.11 percent.  That’s the lowest we have seen since April.”

it’s also not. On Al Jazeera, an analyst breaks down those numbers.

“The latest figures show that Obama has pretty much ended up where he started with a jobless rate of 8.1 percent, that’s 12.8 million people unemployed.”


Newsy has the full transcript

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