It’s going to be a powder-keg in Tampa at the RNC if George Soros has anything to say about it. Soros bankrolled the 69-page ACLU report titled Rights and Wrongs at the RNC after the 2004 Republican Convention in New York City which detailed the extensive legal campaign the ACLU waged to suppress the police’s ability to keep order during anti-RNC protests. This was nothing new for Soros, who has been a major donor supporting the ACLU’s wars against law enforcement.
Because of the left’s use of the tactics outlined in Rights and Wrongs at the RNC, cities that dare to host economic summits or try to restrict illegal Occupy encampments find themselves and their police virtually held hostage. The incipient threat of violence is never far from the surface. The ACLU and protest leaders repeatedly insist that they have nothing to do with any violence that may occur. But if the police act to protect themselves or others, leftist lawyers file police brutality charges, and brazenly accuse the police of“failing to protect” the public and other protesters if the police don’t stop the riots quickly enough. The police can’t win; no matter what they do, they are accused of “silencing free speech.” And the media is only too pleased to repeat that narrative.
Florida ACLU President Mike Pheneger is setting up areas for lawsuits; he whines that because the convention district is blocked off, Tampa is passing up an opportunity for “a nice, neat, tidy kind of exercise in first amendment rights.” Occupy the RNC states on their website: “Tampa passed an oppressive ordinance which strips rights, and makes virtually every participant an outlaw immediately by stepping foot onto downtown.” They accuse the “military industrial complex” of luring protesters into “a trap” in order to justify the convention’s security budget.
The leftists code their tacit approval of violence in the phrase “respecting a diversity of actions,” which asserts that no protester should stop another protester from using violence or vandalism, nor should they report them to authorities if they know of such plans in advance.
Occupy the RNC, which calls itself the “above-ground coordinating committee” for the protest marches, affirms the “diversity of tactics” pledge as part of the “Tampa Principles” detailed on their website:
Our solidarity will be based on respect for a political diversity within the struggle for social, economic and environmental justice. As individuals and groups, we may choose to engage in different tactics and plans of action but are committed to treating each other with respect.We reject all attempts to create divisions among our movements. We agree to not publicly criticize other parts of our movement or cooperate with state or media efforts to portray good protester/bad protester.
The actions and tactics used will be organized to maintain appropriate separations of time and space between divergent tactics. We will commit to respecting each others organizing space and the tone and tactics they wish to utilize in that space.
As Natasha Lennard, a freelance writer for the New York Times who joined the Occupy Wall Street protests, was arrested so she could have a story, and still calls herself a journalist, acknowledges:
Groups in both Tampa and Charlotte have publicly stated that their plans for protest are peaceful, although a mixture of permitted and unpermitted actions are planned. The Coalitions to March in both convention cities have adopted their own versions of what were originally the “Saint Paul Principles,” used by RNC 2008 protesters. The principles include a respect for “diversity of tactics,” such that if a group chooses to adopt more radical or less law-abiding tactics than another protest contingent, they will not be obstructed. Above all, the principles stress that activists will not assist law enforcement action against other activists, regardless of a disagreement in tactics. Whether groups will break windows, burn dumpsters, damage property or even adopt Black Bloc anonymity tactics to move through the streets cannot be predicted and would never be publicly announced in advance.
Breitbart has the full article