Sakurajima volcano (Kyushu, Japan): stronger and more than usual frequent explosions

(multimedia) Sakurajima volcano continues to be particularly active. The volcano, known for its persistant svulcanian type eruptions, typically 1-2 per day, has been having more than usual frequent and stronger explosions during the past months.

A powerful eruption occurred last evening a recent youtube video shows. The explosion occurred not from the normally active Showa-dake, but the less frequently active Minami-dake crater, and the explosion showered the flanks of the volcano with hundreds of blocks up to considerable distance. An ash column can be seen rising several kilometers.

Today, several explosions occurred as well with ash plumes reported up to 10,000 ft (ca. 3 km) altitude, the Tokyo VAAC reported.


This is a copy of the full report produced by Volcano Discovery

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