Police officers should go on strike until political leaders take a stronger stance on gun control

In wake of Colorado’s recent tragedy, New York City’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg has suggested police officers go on strike until political leaders take a stronger stance on gun control. Here’s what Bloomberg told CNN’s Piers Morgan.

“We are doing everything we can to make their job more difficult and more importantly more dangerous by leaving guns in the hands of people who shouldn’t have them…”

But according to The Five for Fox News, Bloomberg’s comments have over-politicized the Aurora shooting.

“There were also bodies not even out of the theater before he started to jump into this debate. And I think there’s some level of political protocol that you need to have in tragedy like this where you wait.”

And some officers aren’t too fond of Bloomberg’s latest suggestion. An officer and editor in chief of Officer.com says Bloomberg’s proposition is insulting.


Newsy has the full transcript

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