In this visitation, I was given Revelation 3:10 as a passage for Canada.
Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.
Then these things were spoken to me by the Angel.
You will stand in the day of trial, and you shall be kept in the hour of tribulation, but you must NOT forge any Godless alliances. The alliances must be firstly of God’s Spirit for there is safety and security in this alone.
The Lord desires to lead you into a process of cutting the umbilical cord within the empire. This will prove necessary in the coming hour.
He desires to lead you as your shepherd through the present and coming storms, thus He shall be your rear guard.
Humility will release powerful displays of His favor in economy, commerce, and industry, as well as harvest. However, pride shall result in resistance.
Strengthen the military, but trust Him to be the true security of your borders. Watchfulness in Homeland security is a true need, but the Lord is watching with and for you. Both are needed.
Investments within are the sure and certain investments. Live according to this principal, and a greater abundance shall come.
The Spirit of Christ is brooding over your nation. He is summoning, calling—His wisdom is calling in the street. He is stretching out His hands to you, that He might be unto and through you wisdom for these times. He will unveil the secret plans of men if you ask, and direct your paths so that none are crooked, snares, or false hopes. The Lord is arising, so let Him fully arise, for you will not be last or insignificant.
You shall become a safe house, a refuge from the storms and a sheep gate unto the Lord.