A dirty bomb will explode in a port city in the United States. Terrorist activity will hit America again as a flaw in the border detection system is discovered on both the Canadian and Mexican borders. A new wave of terror in the sky, as groups of terrorists work together to blow up airplanes. Targeting a specific airplane over a two-week span of time, several men will bring parts of an explosive device on board an airplane. The parts will look like parts of a shoe, belt or briefcase or normal carry on items. In addition, their comrades who work for the airlines will slowly each time as that particular plane comes into the terminal will plant parts of a device. Over time, the parts will all be there to detonate the device. On the last run, the men who get to bring the few parts will then get off while the person who will assemble the last of the parts stays on the plane to detonate the device. I know this sounds impossible.