Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan courted the votes of hunters on Saturday in a speech to a sportsmen’s group, suggesting that President Obama would seek to strip gun owners of their rights by appointing judges hostile to a broad interpretation of the Second Amendment.
“I shudder as a gun owner … what would he do if he never has to face the voters ever again?” Ryan asked aloud during a speech to the National U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance’s 16th Annual Save Our Heritage Banquet here.
“The next president is going to pick a lot of judges. The next president will appoint a lot of different judges and these are lifetime appointments. If you want to make sure that judges respect our Second Amendment rights, you need a president who respects those rights as well,” he said.
Ryan likened gun ownership to religious liberty, suggesting that the federal government had intruded on people’s First Amendment rights as well. He also stressed the importance of appointing people to government agencies who will “respect the rights of hunting and fishing,” and said that the widely criticized Fast and Furious gunwalking operation “would never occur under a Romney-Ryan administration.”
CBS News has the full article