About 3-3 1/2 years ago, the Lord showed me that the sun was going to wake up and there would be problems like bank hacking from other countries. The last 1-1 1/2 years the sun started waking up with more sunspots, magnetic storms with a crack in the shield and satellites would be affected. Difference between solar flare & CME’s. 4 classes B,C,M, X class each one with .1-.8 range 3 solar flares in the past 5-6 days No internet for 2 weeks. What would you do & what would you have done. 4 things to do 1) prove with copies of how much you owe for home & 2) business 3) Have 2 weeks worth of cash. No banks or internet. 4) ATM’s, stores, cable TV few or all don’t know. Digital receiver for local programming towers bounce signals.
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