MILWAUKEE – You think Wisconsin labor leaders might be a bit bitter about Gov. Scott Walker’s victory in Tuesday’s gubernatorial recall election?
Consider the words of Gilbert Johnson, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers Local 82, who addressed an Occupy Milwaukee rally Wednesday, the day after the election.
Maybe Johnson was just peeved off because the massive Big Labor effort to remove Walker from office failed so miserably. Perhaps he was just trying to please his young radical audience.
Or maybe Johnson really believes Walker voters are a “bunch of haters” who advocate for “white man rule.”
“You never see this at a Tea Bag, man,” Johnson, standing before a banner that said “Repeal Act 10.”
“What you have is a bunch of haters, people that tell lies, people that want to go back to the 50s. White man rule. White man only. Here in the state of Wisconsin we have people that lie. They want money and they only care about themselves.
“You know the statistic came out that the minority population would soon be exceeding the white population and all of the sudden we start having fear. And they started (saying) ‘Let’s get guns. And you know, let’s go back to the ’50s ways, where we could just kill people and hang people’ and go back to that time that we tried to get so far away from. That’s what we’re up against.
“We’re up against people … who want to concentrate on those type of things so they don’t have to concentrate on their pocketbooks. In the meantime, they’re voting for someone who’s taking money out of their pockets, but tells them they can have guns and be hateful.”
For what it’s worth, we’ve never heard Gov. Walker, or anyone in Wisconsin for that matter, call for white people to arm themselves or act violently toward minority citizens.
And when it comes to people who “want money” and “care only about themselves,” that sounds more like a very accurate description of Wisconsin public sector union leaders.
Being bitter about an election result is one thing. Accusing an entire state of blatant racism is quite another.
Do the members of AFSCME Local 82 really want a jerk like this to be their president?
This is a copy of the full article provided by EAGnews