(multimedia) The Supreme Court will announce a series of decisions about the constitutionality of the health insurance law passed in 2010 later this month, and House Republicans are planning an experimental online effort to gin up renewed support for repeal.
The campaign, brainchild of National Republican Congressional Committee Digital Director Gerrit Lansing, takes a fresh approach to old-school petitioning, one that combines social media gizmos with a retro tech twist. (Part of the plan involves a computer printer that has its own Twitter account. Follow along if you can.)
Here’s how it will work: On Thursday, the NRCC will roll out a series of brief videos featuring GOP lawmakers, including House Speaker John Boehner, Texas Rep. Pete Sessions and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, urging users to sign an online petition to repeal the health care law. On the screen, Republican online strategists have added a Quick Response Code to each video that directs viewers to wave a smart phone over the code, which will take them to an “I Want Repeal” Tumblr page. (In one video, the QR code is cleverly placed on the bottom of Sessions’ shoe, which is perched atop the desk in the NRCC office.)
Yahoo News has the full article/ instructions